Product Details

True Charm

True Charm


The True Charm Bouquet has a vintage look and styling that creates a gift of grace and beauty your special recipient will absolutely adore. Beginning with sunlit yellow roses, this fresh flower arrangement has a standout design as it then brings together the blushing hues of lavender daisies, hot pink wax, and hot pink Peruvian Lilies, perfectly accented with lush greens. Presented in a clear glass vase, this stunning flower bouquet is arranged just for you to make today a memorable moment for your recipient, sharing in the celebration of their birthday, sending your get well wishes, or as a way to express your thanks and gratitude for their kindness. Limited Availability Due to limited varieties and quantities available at this time, this arrangement may be designed with thoughtful substitutions without prior notification.

Limited Availability Due to limited varieties and quantities available at this time, this arrangement may be designed with thoughtful substitutions without prior notification.

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